Succession Team Update #2 - Transcript

December 20, 2024


Hi Lovers Lane UMC and friends, I’m Jenny Anchondo Oakes, a proud member of Lovers Lane for 8 years now with my husband, Heath, and our two daughters, Brighton (7), and Gemma (nearly 1).  Our girls love the church and so do Heath and I.  

I am one of 18 members of our Pastoral Succession Team and I want to welcome you to this, our 2nd update.  We had our 2nd full team meeting on December 3, from 6 to 8:00 p.m. (or so).

We have completed two important milestones in our "preparation" phase.  We have finalized our "current reality" statement, along with our "prioritized values".  These steps are extremely important as they will guide our consultant's work in reviewing and assessing the dozens of potential candidates that have been identified to date.  While all of the potential candidates have outstanding credentials, finding the right fit for Lovers Lane is incredibly important.  This work will help us narrow down the list to what we expect will be a handful of outstanding candidates.

We also began developing our approach to interviewing candidates to ensure we have a thorough and consistent experience with each one of them. 

The entire team remains prayerful and enthusiastic and we are working hard to meet the Bishop's request to complete our process in January.  As a reminder, components of this process require a strict adherence to confidentiality.  We will tell you what we can reveal, and politely decline to share what we cannot share due to our strict confidentiality agreement.  Also, remember all the materials we are developing and these videos can be found on the website

We will continue to provide regular updates throughout the process so stay tuned!

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