Tales: The Haul - Walnut Hill Church
March 16, 2025
Our Walnut Hill Church campus offers worship every Sunday morning at 11 am led by our campus Co-Pastors, Revs. Andy and Melissa Nelms. This liturgical worship service includes powerful music and an uplifting message each Sunday in the beautiful Walnut Hill Sanctuary. Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month. This service meets in person and live online here.
To learn more about the ministries available at our Walnut Hill Church campus, click here.
Worship at Walnut Hill Church meets each Sunday at 11 am in the Sanctuary.
Parking is available on both the north and west sides of the church.
The goal of our worship is to honor God and inspire people. That is why our worship at Walnut Hill Church includes a little bit of everything—traditional hymns, modern music, and everything in between. Whether you’ve grown up in church your whole life, never been to church, or haven’t been in a long time, you will feel welcome here!
Walnut Hill Church, a Ministry of Lovers Lane UMC
10066 Marsh Lane
Dallas, Texas 75229
Co-Pastor of Walnut Hill Church
Co-Pastor of Walnut Hill Church
Associate Pastor of Deaf Ministry and Congregational Care, Walnut Hill
Ministry Intern