celebrate recovery WORSHIP

celebrate recovery

join us this tuesday at 6:30 pm

About Celebrate Recovery Worship

Celebrate Recovery (C.R.) is a biblically-based approach to recovery from life's hurts, hang-ups, and habits, including addictions. C.R. guides us toward new healthy truths and life-giving habits as we repair our broken relationships. Led by Modern Worship Leader Rafe Grigar, Celebrate Recovery music ranges from high energy to deeply moving. Weekly worship includes either a personal testimony by someone who has been through recovery, or a lesson based on the 12 Steps of Celebrate Recovery. Pastor Dawn Anderson is Ministry Leader. 

After Worship

After worship, we have a meal and fellowship, followed by men's and women's open share groups for all life issues.

Contact Us 

To learn more about the Celebrate Recovery, contact Rev. Dawn Anderson.


What to Expect

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