Jesus' Greatness Code calls us to greatness through four pillars of scripture:

Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus invites us to make disciples of all we meet and to teach them all he has commanded. Lovers Lane has a strong heritage of loving ALL people into relationship with Jesus Christ. In 2025, we have proposed a two-tiered budget to maintain our ministry and begin to fulfill our vision for the future.

Matthew 22:36-40 Jesus calls us to love the Lord our God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our Essential budget, the first tier, will allow us to meet our baseline needs to continue our great legacy of ministry that teaches people to love God and seeks to serve ALL.

Micah 6:8 Jesus' life and teachings embody the principles of justice, mercy, and humility and call us to live the same way. Our Elevated budget, the second tier, will help us continue growing into these principles by focusing on our Power of One initiatives of Discipleship, Evangelism, and Family Ministry.

Matthew 16:24-26 Jesus commands his disciples to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow him. He says we must lose our lives to find our lives. How is God calling you to deny yourself and give so that others may find life?

Estimate of Giving

We encourage all those who consider Walnut Hill Church to be their church home to prayerfully contribute a percentage of their income to the church, with a Tithe being the Biblical goal (Leviticus 27:30). A Tithe is 10% of your income given to support the ministry of the church and its administrative expenses. This is a spiritual practice that helps to grow followers of Jesus (disciples) in trust of and obedience to God. If a Tithe is a new practice for you, we encourage you to start by giving a percentage of your income and prayerfully increase that percentage over time. Contact Pastors Melissa & Andy Nelms for more information on how to start a Tithing practice.

Two Ways to Give:

Walnut Hill Church General Operating Budget

(Programs, Worship, Missions, Salaries, Facilities, etc.)

Walnut Hill Chuch Ministry Development Fund

($50,000 WHC goal above and beyond the operating budget to support new initiatives developed out of the Power of One visioning teams at WHC.)

To set up your Recurring gift, click the button below.

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