Jesus' Greatness Code calls us to greatness through four pillars of scripture:

Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus invites us to make disciples of all we meet and to teach them all he has commanded. Lovers Lane has a strong heritage of loving ALL people into relationship with Jesus Christ. In 2025, we have proposed a two-tiered budget to maintain our ministry and begin to fulfill our vision for the future.

The Great Commission Video

The Great Commission Email

2025 Giving Campaign Intro Video

Matthew 22:36-40 Jesus calls us to love the Lord our God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our Essential budget, the first tier, will allow us to meet our baseline needs to continue our great legacy of ministry that teaches people to love God and seeks to serve ALL.

The Great Commandment Video

The Great Commission Email

Micah 6:8 Jesus' life and teachings embody the principles of justice, mercy, and humility and call us to live the same way. Our Elevated budget, the second tier, will help us continue growing into these principles by focusing on our Power of One initiatives of Discipleship, Evangelism, and Family Ministry.

Matthew 16:24-26 Jesus commands his disciples to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow him. He says we must lose our lives to find our lives. How is God calling you to deny yourself and give so that others may find life?

This year, we celebrate 80 years of ministry together. We invite you to join us as we discover how we can apply the Greatness Code to be a church that continues to serve God for another 80 years and Beyond! As you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to a greatness that honors God, we invite you to include in your prayers how your commitment to give in 2025 is a part of that greatness.

For 80 years, the ministries of Lovers Lane United Methodist Church have been made possible through your giving and the generous members who have come before us. We thank you for stepping out in faith through your financial commitment as we take our first step into the next 80 years of great ministry in God's name.


2025 Budget Overview

The church finance team and staff have proposed a two-tiered budget to maintain our ministry and to begin to vision for the future. We invite you to prayerfully consider how you can support the budget for 2025. For more questions about this year's budget, please refer to the FAQs below.

Essential Budget:

Includes all baseline needs to maintain current ministries and to meet administrative and facility needs.

Elevated Budget:

Includes investment in our Power of One initiatives focused on Discipleship, Evangelism and Family Ministry.


Click the link below to get answers to the most frequently asked questions about setting up an Estimate of Giving for 2025.


Estimate of Giving

This year, there are two ways you can help the church plan for 2025:

Provide Estimate of Giving:
Estimating what you can give next year will help us fulfill the two-tiered budget proposed above.

Set Up a Recurring Gift:
Automated recurring online gifts ensure consistent cash flow to the church throughout the year.

To set up your Estimate of Giving and/or a Recurring gift, click the buttons below.

Estimate of Giving

Recurring Gift